Saturday, February 19

best typing =,=

ahaa , nak story mory nyh , sapew atas tuh ? saye lah zaman mude3 dulue , haha act now mude lagik baru 16 tahun 4 bulan , ahha mude lah sangad ken , hehe picx tuh sangad lah saya sayang end kalaw buleh memang tanak lgsong buang picx nyh , end uf story , fullstop =,=

haha , actualy wany nak cytew pasal mcg wany dapad dary sorang hambe allah nyh , mcg nyh memang bgy wany the best mcg yg wany jarang nak dapad , espicely kalaw adew jeh time3 frenship day lah ape lah mcty adew pumyew lah , mostly memang sngad menarik jup jup wany type okay =,=

there are some of romantics country in this world ,
H.O.L.L.A.N.D = hope our love last and never dies

I.T.A.L.Y = i trust and love you

and thisz my faveret country 

F.R.A.N.C.E = frens remains and never can end

FRENSHIP FOREVER :) soo untuk yg TERBOEK SAYE , korang the best one in my life (!) fulstop !

pengikut :)